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Samantha Munro - Brightwater Reiki

Listen, Understand, Make a Difference

Brightwater Reiki

Animal Communication is not an ability reserved for the few.

In my opinion, you do not need to be a psychic, healer, a medium or any other form of energy worker. You just need to be open to the possibility, and with a few pointers, tools and support begin to trust in the process.

It is absolutely an ability we all possess. In our modern lives of logic, “scientific” reliance and relentless busyness, it is one that has been quietly hibernating in our naturally, intuitive, selves.

Never has it become more important to reconnect and awaken this part of us, in the quest to hear the voices and messages of those beings that we share this planet with. Those with whom we have a shared connection and therefore a responsibility toward and from whom, if we listen wisely, can learn a great deal.

Yes of course, Animal Communication is helpful in understanding the needs, wishes, concerns and hopes of our companion animals and this is often where Animal Communicators support.

But it goes far deeper than that.

I have communicated with many animals, both living and passed over (more on that in the future!) and it has always struck me that aside from the verifiable information received to specific questions, they offer far more information than was sought, leading the communicator in the direction that they wish to explore. It is in these interactions that the most important messages and sharing take place.

Now for those reading this information about Animal Communication for the first time, there may be an assumption that a communication may take the form of spoken words, in a free flowing two way chat, as if on a telephone.

Sometimes it can be like that but I would liken it more as if you are entering a film – you are part of it - perceiving/seeing, hearing, feeling, sensing, smelling the world of that animal, even the silence of it. As with any communication, silence too can be a very powerful message!

It can be a little overwhelming, I suppose, as there is a great deal of information made available that the Communicator has a responsibility to collect and capture, often heavily emotionally laden.

It can sometimes appear so random that you are bewildered as to what has been shared.

It is never the job of a communicator, in my opinion, to interpret the information received. Of course, you will relay information to an animal’s care giver (or in the case of your own animal – sit with the information received a while, to allow it to percolate) but it is not your role to interpret it for the animals Guardian. They have a greater insight into the day to day world and sometimes the background than you may, even though they have asked for your support.

Your key responsibility is to openly and accurately share what arose during the communication, calling upon all of the sensations/words/images that you experienced.

The sharing and supporting the understanding of the care giver when giving information is, in my opinion, the most important part of any communication.

An animal has trusted you enough to enter into a sharing “dialogue” and a communicator has a responsibility to share all that arises with the person that has asked you to engage with an animal.

An example, you are approached to see if you can connect with an animal to understand the reasons for what is deemed challenging behaviour in the home. I would always like to ensure that there is no obvious medical reason for the behaviour and seek assurance from the guardian initially.

The Guardian offers some questions for you to pose “why do you bully X?”, “why do you scratch the furniture?”, “what, stops you using a litter tray?”, “are you happy/sad etc”, “what can be done to help?”.

The information you receive back may very well be a surprise to the animal’s guardian. In a rescue case, not dissimilar from this example – I was shown initial images of cardigans (which I have come to recognise always as a symbol in Animal Communication as Mother, nurture, safety and so on), following on to some very distressing scenes of the death of this particular cat’s family (mother/siblings) as a kitten – smell/feeling/sounds – the works.

Even when things are disturbing, you need to follow the communication where it takes you, down the rabbit hole, as it were, and recognise that they are showing things to help them. It is not at all ever, about your feelings or your interpretation. You, I suggest are simply the “recorder” of the information and this always needs to be “played back”, as experienced.

With, further validated information in this case, a greater understanding of this cat’s behaviour and challenges was achieved. There will always remain difficulties for this cat, but in the supporting the Guardian to understand the information received, they then can go on to help and make a difference to the animal they love.

I suggest that you are becoming a mediator between Animal and Guardian, it seems, often times, a counselling role, as not all information is palatable nor readily received but here is the space where the understanding, learning and often healing/mending takes place for all parties. Animal, Guardian and Animal Communicator in fact!

As an initial summary, “Listen, Understand and Make a Difference”, which is a focus of Animal Communication Workshops I run, makes a great deal of sense.

I plan to write more articles on each of the Listen, Understand, Make A Difference aspects of Animal Communication and this is the first. Thank you for reading.

To finish, I share here an image, from the wonderful Pamela Zagarenski’s book – The Whisper. I used some of her images, during exercises, on an Animal Communication Workshop from June last year (after I asked her permission!) and, whilst they seem surreal in nature, I feel they express some aspect of the wonder of Animal Communication.

(c)  Pamela Zagarenski

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