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Samantha Munro - Brightwater Reiki

Animal Communication Workshop Review - April 2019

What a wonderful way to spend a weekend!

It was my pleasure to welcome a group of lovely people to an introductory workshop in Animal Communication. Whilst some were already familiar with Animal Communication, for others it was their first experience.

The most important aspect was their openness to the possibilities that the workshop aimed to provide. The time flew by and whilst I have no doubt that everyone was both physically and emotionally tired, the energy which they all put into the work was wonderful.

Great openness , sharing and contribution and, throughout, a loving support to each other. This is so important, in my experience, as Animal Communication often opens us up to experiences which teach us a great deal about ourselves, in addition to the support we are offering to animals and their guardians.

The most wonderful guest teachers; Grebe, a horse who seems to see this as part of his purpose, always offering hope and positivity to others in spite of his life experiences. He always manages to touch others’ souls and gives permission for some quite emotional sharing. He and his Guardian, Vanessa are a perfect partnership.

Val, the most determined and confident Tortoise sharing some wise and insightful aspects of her personality – who knew ! Aside from her shared communication, participants also learnt a great deal about tortoises from her loving guardian, who said “What a beautiful atmosphere and your students all did well. Thank you.”

Lenny, our final visitor, on day two. Well, participants did very well here and surprised themselves with the validated feedback, but that aside, it was wonderful to see Lenny supporting individuals in the room. It was a very powerful experience and very moving. Lenny’s Guardian, Heidi, has also shared with me her thanks for the experience “what a lovely feeling there was in the room. I was very impressed with everyone’s answers. And I think Lenny had a lovely time. I have come away with a feeling of joy for some reason. Thank you for including us in your special day”.

It is just lovely to know that the animal Guardians recognise that feeling too! Again, I just share my appreciation for all those that made this weekend just perfect, the beautiful participants, the animal guardians, the animal teachers that visited, those animals we connected with through photographs and those other animals that made their presence felt in other ways. Thank you.


“Sam. Thanks again for a wonderfully inspiring course with beautiful people and animals in a stunning environment.”

“The Workshop more than met my expectations” “So friendly and welcoming” “A great workshop, very well managed, with Fun!”

“My intention was to learn more and this happened on more than one level” “I have learned a new technique to work with limiting beliefs” “New ideas on making and validating a connection with an animal”

“There are new lovely people in my life to share with” ”Thank you Sam, totally safe and wonderful environment to learn in.”

“Great course content – well balanced”” I was surprised how much I learnt!” ”It was very tiring mentally, but a great learning experience”

“I will trust in the messages and information and the need for practice” “The power of interconnectedness!” “The development of trust in my own abilities and to be open to the possibilities”

“Developing belief and trust in myself” “I am more confident going forward” “Great to receive clarification of what I received from the animals” “Understanding that everyone has a different way of communicating”

“A beautiful building and grounds, so right for the course” “Thank you for the support given to me and the other ladies” “I felt safe and loved”

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