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Writer's pictureBrightwater Reiki

Animal Communication Workshop Review - June 2021

This was the first workshop I had been able to run, in person for 18 months. I would like to thank some participants who had patiently awaited it for that period of time!

Brightwater Reiki - Animal Communication Workshop

As I began to prepare for it in the days leading up, I realised that the anticipative excitement was beginning to feel rather like butterflies in my tummy. Was it nerves ? Why would it be ? A workshop I have run many times and, the teaching of it, is what makes my soul sing.

I sat with the feeling awhile and came to realise that it was more about the re-connection with people, for whom, perhaps this would be the first workshop they would be attending, after many months of distance from like-minded folk.

And so, aside from my usual preparations, I realised that the workshop would need to adapt and flow with whatever they maybe needed from it. It would need to become more fluid. This is not my natural comfort zone, structure and order is quite important to me.

I intended that I would “just see” where it would take us all.

I need not have been concerned. The most wonderful group of participants, from diverse backgrounds, with different experiences, but all sharing an openness to the possibilities, the weekend would bring.

The weather was very kind to us and the opportunity to be outdoors is always important in order to settle and re-ground ourselves, after sometimes emotional experiences that inevitably arise when we are working in the arena of Animal Communication.

Brightwater Reiki - Animal Communication Workshop

From the work with participants own animal photographs or with those animal guest teachers that visit with us on day two, the open-hearted connections that we make, begins to allow some of our own healing situations to arise.

Brightwater Reiki - Animal Communication Workshop

One of my roles, as I see it, on these workshops, is to “hold space” for this to happen but on each and every workshop that I have run, participants do this equally as well for each other. Very close bonds are formed and no doubt, will continue.

The support of those folk that offer to come along on day two of the workshop, with their visiting guest animal teachers, is something I am always so grateful for and it always provides a very rich opportunity for participants to put into practice their learning and to develop their confidence in communication and feeding back to animal guardians.

This workshop was no exception.

Our first visitors (and I was so excited about these), Baloo and Mowgli. Two beautiful beings bought along by a wonderful previous student who works with animals to support children and families living with special needs.

Very different in personality, these wonderful goats shared very honestly and openly with participants, with half of the group sitting with Mowgli and the other with Baloo.

As a first practice with visiting animals, participants were rightly very pleased with the information they were able to relay to their lovely guardian. A great deal of this was quite emotionally laden, given the early start in life that these goats had experienced.

We then had the most, lovely time, in the garden, all together, just being with them. It was fabulous and I know many participants will make contact with guardian, to offer support to the important work that she and her team do.

Brightwater Reiki - Animal Communication Workshop

Next the joy of the visit from beautiful Murph and part of her family.

Brightwater Reiki - Animal Communication Workshop

Love was a big theme throughout this communication session and I know that her guardian was very grateful for the information that was shared. “I was really touched by Murph’s messages, I love her so much”.

It always touches participants too, in the way that animals, in spite of their experiences in life, can remain loving and open hearted. As always, we have much to learn from them.

Brightwater Reiki - Animal Communication Workshop

I am also pleased that Murph and her canine companion, Digby (a previous visitor) enjoyed the sausages that she was sent away with that had been popped in the fridge prior to her visit. In fact, Murph shared to a couple of the participants that she was expecting them!

Jack, our next visitor, without his guardian present, shared his views on the questions she had provided, from information about his best friend, to his opinions about younger family members and poignant messages for his guardian. All of which have been shared with her and for which she is very grateful.

Here, a picture from a previous workshop.

Jack is an absolute delight and always shares information about his love and concern for his special family.

Our final visitor of the day, Milo, with his guardian Maxine. Here, a picture of me sitting in the teaching room with him.

Brightwater Reiki - Animal Communication Workshop

This was an interesting practice for participants, with Milo a little reticent to share. We discuss on the workshop and here, whilst Milo did share information that was extremely helpful to his guardian, he was more reluctant than he had been in the past. This enabled really useful discussion and again real-life learning and experience for participants.

The time on a weekend workshop seems to rush past, and there are many more aspects that I could share.

Whilst, it is often quite an intense and profound experience, for all of us, there is always time for laughing, joy and fun too and I know that many participants will continue their friendships and connections beyond the weekend. That is something that always delights me.

We left our time together, knowing that we all wish to “make a difference” to those animals and their guardians that cross our paths, even if that is slowly and One at A Time – the title of one of the stories, that I read over the two days.

The ripples that this creates is why Animal Communication is so important in my view, and I thank my participants for their absolute loving, open hearts this weekend and the beautiful experience we shared.

That brings me back to my first point about butterflies. This came to my mind. Love is Like a Butterfly - Dolly Parton – perhaps have a listen.

“Love is like a butterfly

As soft and gentle as a sigh

The multi-coloured moods of love are like its satin wings

Love makes your heart feel strange inside

It flutters like soft wings in flight

Love is like a butterfly, a rare and gentle thing”

Brightwater Reiki - Animal Communication Workshop

Lots of love to you all. X


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