Well, a whole week has passed since our "Listen,Understand and Make A Difference" Animal Communication Workshop. How did that happen?!
In true Brightwater style I have been taking some "Time to reflect", prior to sharing our amazing experience.
We could not have wished for a more open, supportive and "inquisitive" group of participants.
Running a joint event can always present it's own challenges, but both Lesley and I could not have been more pleased at the outcome. Most importantly, our participants were too, "the workshop exceeded my expectations","amazing workshop! so well structured, delivered and facilitated", "An excellent weekend. I look forward to practicing and gaining confidence".
We spent a great deal of time in seeking to develop the right balance between the practical and the theory and our venues were chosen to support that; with day one "nestled" at St Mary's Abbey, getting to know each other, looking at our own trust and self-belief in a safe and caring environment and from there moving towards Animal Communication via photographs and items, with increasing confidence! "a good balance between practical and theoretical", "self-belief and self trust is so powerful and important", "relaxed atmosphere and wonderful settings".
Wow, and then day 2, at the beautiful Heatherley Wood, where we were lucky enough to have lovely animal teachers visit, accompanied by their guardians. We are confident that the learning and experiences from this day will remain with participants for a long time. It was also lovely to hear from several participants, that the support and encouragement offered by the animals' guardians contributed a great deal to participants confidently and freely sharing their feedback. A massive thank you to these wonderful guardians, who were extremely receptive and delighted to receive information from their animals.

The energy and the messages and lessons received from each of the guest animal teachers resonated in different ways throughout the group, with each participant experiencing in their own way. Without a doubt, some of these experiences were very powerful and meaningful and the openness with which people were willing to share was a privilege to be a part of. "Lots of emotional releases, which would not have happened if we didn't feel in a safe, supported environment".
Very clearly, the process of Animal Communication is not just about "Listening, Understanding and Making a difference" for those animals that choose to communicate with us. It is also about recognising that within this process lies a greater understanding of ourselves and perhaps the aspiration to develop the same trust and selflessness animals show, in the way they seek to help and heal us.
I can certainly say I was extremely tired after the two days, but did not want to leave to return home. I have no doubt we shall all be meeting again in the future and meanwhile, remain in contact as a supportive, practicing group.
As another piece of feedback suggested "A huge amount of thought, energy and time went into producing this workshop and the results were self-evident". We would like to think that the results will continue and grow, through participants developing their own personal approach to animal communication and helping others understand it's importance.